Topic: DO: Zizek's View
Do you agree with Zizek's view on viewing media text or Hall's view on interpreting media text? Use S.E.E to respond! Zizek's View Hall's View Zizek's says that media texts controls us and that we have no control of the actions we take as a result of watching said media text. Dominant, Oppositional, Negotiated Readings In some ways, I do agree with Zizek's point of view on media texts when he says that the media texts control our thoughts and actions. I do agree with the fact that media can change our thoughts and actions, but I believe that it is up to the viewer whether or not we want to act upon what we see in the media texts. I also agree with Hall's views on media texts with the types of readings a person could have. Any person could either have a dominant, oppositional, or negotiated understanding of a certain media text. This would link back to Zizek's view, depending on the type of reading a person has on a piece of media, it would influence ...