
Critical Reflection

Critical Reflection PowerPoint Click the link to view

Blog Post #4: Filming [and rough draft]

  What was the filming process like? What worked and what didn't work? The filming process was kind of difficult because I had a blurry and unstable camera. When I created the rough draft for my film, I saw how the camera became so shaky and my film looked more like a narrative than a film opener. I went to borrow a better film camera and used a tripod that I own at home to stabilize and my shots look more defined. This is my Rough Draft:

Blog Post #3: Locations

  What locations are you using? How long do you think it'll take you to film? Who are your subjects and what do you think your process for directing and filming will be in the context of COVID-19? The locations I'm using are mainly going to be inside my house, and just a little bit of the outside. The actors I used in my film were mainly my mom and my baby sister as the main characters in the opener. My process for directing and filming in this current pandemic that we live in filtered out a lot of areas that I thought would be fun and cool to record in. I decided to mainly just film inside my house because if I try to film anywhere outside or away from my house, it will be very hard to film and make it seem like I am casually recording a film for an examination.

Blog Post #2 : Story Board

  What was the process of creating the storyboard like? Did it confirm or refute your initial thoughts for what the video intro would look like? Did you iterate on your idea? Are there any additional things you added, or aspects that you've taken away?  Creating the storyboard was difficult because I was continually very indecisive on how I wanted my story to turn out. It made me think about making a good and captivating storyline that I wanted to introduce to my audience. I decided to show more characters in my film opener, and I thought of a way to show my story without giving away the entire plot. I decided to add some more dialogue in my storyboard and more camera movements to show more than just a terrified protagonist. I removed the amount of stiffness in my camera movement.

Blog Post # 1: Ideas and Treatment

  Why did you select this idea for the video intro? What are some similar references you've used that helped you influence your idea? Include links to those references .  I selected this idea because I like the idea of making the audience show as much emotion as possible. I selected this idea because I was inspired by the game Five Nights at Freddy's 4 and the show Stranger Things . My film borrowed the idea of a haunted hallway like in the Plushtrap hallway part of the game. And will use the idea of a supernatural dimension like in stranger things. It is also inspired by a webtoon called Freaking Romance , there is a crack in dimensions making it able to view creatures on the other side of the invisible crack. Most of the horror/ thriller film openers that I see start off very casual but hinting at something supernatural or ominous. Treatment Document: ASMediaStudies_VideoOpener Treatment (1).docx

Topic: DO: Zizek's View

Do you agree with Zizek's view on viewing media text or Hall's view on interpreting media text? Use S.E.E to respond! Zizek's View  Hall's View Zizek's says that media texts controls us and that we have no control of the actions we take as a result of watching said media text.  Dominant, Oppositional, Negotiated Readings   In some ways, I do agree with Zizek's point of view on media texts when he says that the media texts control our thoughts and actions. I do agree with the fact that media can change our thoughts and actions, but I believe that it is up to the viewer whether or not we want to act upon what we see in the media texts. I also agree with Hall's views on media texts with the types of readings a person could have. Any person could either have a dominant, oppositional, or negotiated understanding of a certain media text. This would link back to Zizek's view, depending on the type of reading a person has on a piece of media, it would influence ...